10 tips on how employers can specifically support older employees in developing digital skills

Digitalization poses major challenges for many employees, especially older ones. According to the Silver Workforce Study, this issue affects almost 67% of the workforce, putting it just behind the issue of health. Employers can take targeted measures to successfully guide older employees through the digital transformation. Here are 10 practical tips to promote the digital skills of older employees:

  1. Offer individual training programs Tailor training to employees' individual learning styles and prior knowledge. One-to-one coaching or small groups can be particularly effective in addressing specific needs.
  2. Use mentoring programs Promote the transfer of knowledge between generations through mentoring programs in which younger employees train their older colleagues in digital skills. This strengthens team spirit and mutual understanding.
  3. Creating a supportive learning environment Promote a corporate culture in which mistakes are seen as learning opportunities. A positive learning environment encourages older employees to take on new digital challenges.
  4. Train managers Raise awareness and train managers so that they can recognize and support the special needs of older employees in the digital transformation.
  5. Provide technical support and resources Ensure that all employees have access to new technologies and technical support. Providing instructions, FAQs and online tutorials can help to reduce uncertainty.
  6. Regular feedback and recognition Give regular feedback and celebrate successes. Recognition and positive feedback strengthen the self-confidence and motivation of older employees.
  7. Showing long-term perspectives Highlight the long-term benefits of digital training and how new skills can promote both personal and professional development.
  8. Encourage personal initiative Encourage older employees to take the initiative themselves. Inform them about online resources and platforms where they can develop their digital skills.
  9. Involvement in decisions Actively involve older employees in decisions about the use of digital technologies. Taking their perspectives and concerns into account promotes commitment and acceptance.
  10. Enable networking and exchange of experience Create opportunities for employees to share experiences and knowledge. Peer-to-peer learning groups or internal forums can be very helpful.

Advantages of digitalization for older employees

Digitalization offers older employees numerous professional and private advantages. Digital technologies and communication tools allow them to work flexibly and from any location, which is particularly attractive for those who no longer want to commute every day. It also allows people with health restrictions to stay in work for longer.

Online courses, webinars and virtual workshops offer continuous learning opportunities that increase employability. Digitalization also opens up new career prospects, such as working as a freelancer or offering consulting services, which enables older employees to remain active.

Benefits for the labour market through the digitalization of older workers

Older employees are a valuable resource in the labor market, especially in times of skills shortages. Their experience and expertise promote innovation and ensure the competitiveness of companies. The digital training of older employees also strengthens social security systems by enabling them to work longer.


Promoting the digital skills of older employees is an investment in the future of every company. Through targeted training and a culture of lifelong learning, companies can fully exploit the potential of their experienced workforce and bridge the digital divide.

To the Silver Workforce Study:
[1] https://www.manpowergroup.de/de/insights/studien-und-research/studien/2023/10/12/10/14/silver-workforce-studie-2023

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