Fast lane?

"In old age, the fast lane is clear." So says Swiss author and aphorist Kurt Haberstich.

For me, the word "fast lane" is associated with speed, fast driving, competition. "Fast lane" in connection with "old age" doesn't quite fit for me. Because I enjoy being a little less fast, a little more leisurely on the road. Of course, I don't lose sight of staying alert and interested in life. I'm active, volunteer, politically active and still want to face challenges in some way. But faster?

Getting older has shown me how I can try to keep my work-life balance in balance. I've tried to question whether everything always has to be higher, better and faster - and realized that it's not necessary. Do I have to do everything in order to be there? I will never achieve everything I have dreamed of in my life. However, there are still many opportunities to take a closer look at old and new things in my life, to try them out and enjoy them.

The attitude of other senior citizens proves me right: they want to get involved, e.g. with Seniors@Work, but no longer subject themselves to the strict rules of the normal working environment, preferring instead to pass on their knowledge and expertise on a selective basis. Cherry-picking? So what! Anyone who has been involved in the work process for so many years can look forward to a little more freedom.


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