This is what Councillor of States Heidi Z'graggen at a conference on the topic of "Generational solidarity - generational Generational Conflict" in November 2019, which I was able to attend.

Did you know that today there are four age groups? There are children and young people, then the adults. Then - from age 65 to 79 - there are the "young pensioners"! And only from the age of 80 are you so-called "very old".

A study by Swisslife recognized that around 400 billion francs worth of unpaid work is carried out each year. is performed. 8 billion alone is provided by grandparents who take on take over. It is not for nothing that grandparents are said to be the largest crèche in Switzerland.

Prof. em. Dr. François Höpflinger, researcher on ageing, explained in a humorous way how intergenerational relationships have changed. have changed. The extended family used to be a matter of course. Under For example, three generations lived under one roof. Solidarity was mutual. Fortunately, the latter is still the case today, but we live a family relationship family relationship at a distance. According to Prof. Höpflinger, this results in so-called Beanstalk familiesso no family association on the same level as when you live together. Grandparents or parents no longer live under the same roof as the young families. Each couple is on its own.

The input presentations also focused also focused on the topic of work. Heidi Z'graggen explained that when it comes to jobs jobs, the young would feel just as discriminated against as the old. old people. They are not taken seriously, labeled as too young and too inexperienced. too young and too inexperienced. In contrast, the economy has no program to promote to promote work in old age. The introduction of the bridging pension from the age of 58 is the wrong signal. Anyone who wants to work longer should be able to do so. Arguably the highest employment rate is currently for people aged between 55 and 64. After that, however, the number of older employees drops. Ms. Z'graggen is clearly of the opinion that the retirement age is too rigidly fixed. It must be handled flexibly. Better incentives should be created for the economy incentives should be created for the economy to offer shortage of skilled workers to enable older employees to continue working.

At a conference like this, of course not forget the young people. Ms. Angelika Ruider told us about the "Swiss Association for the Promotion of Militia Commitment". On the homepage of the association's homepage: Our association was founded in 2013 by committed young young citizens. Our goal is to revitalize the Swiss revitalize the militia system! True to the federal motto "One for all, all for one all, all for one", we are creating a movement for civic service. This emphasizes the bond with Switzerland, improves social cohesion cohesion in the country and strengthens active solidarity in society and for the in favor of the environment.

Ms. Ruider explained that, from the perspective of young people, a shift in the axes has taken place. has taken place. Both financially and in terms of personnel, the past can no longer be time can no longer be compared with today. Family, career and leisure, these three strong points in the lives of younger people dominate their days. Women and men are challenged with (part-time) work and family care. This there is not much left for leisure time, let alone for voluntary commitment or active solidarity. Ms. Ruider says: We are a cooperative of citizens and the aim of the association must be to ensure equality. People should be activated, to make their contribution to society. In 2020, the association is launching a popular initiative under the name "One for all, all for one". Point 1 (of 5) of the initiative says: Every Swiss citizen every Swiss citizen performs militia service as part of their normal civic duties for the benefit of society and the environment. I can already see some people others throwing up their hands. Compulsory for everyone? But why not? We know we know today that the so-called call-to-action "coercion" can become voluntary.

Believe me: In the workshops the workshops were hotly, very hotly debated!

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