Vacations for seniors?

I was on vacation, even though I am already retired and - as is often said - "always have a vacation". Prompted by a comment from Alexis Weil, the founder of Seniors@Work, I started to think about this. Do senior citizens even need a vacation?

There are pensioners who stay at home. They appreciate remaining in their everyday lives, always knowing exactly what to expect and feeling safe in their familiar surroundings. At best, they have seen a lot of the world and now enjoy the familiar, being at home.

There are pensioners who go on vacation to the same place every year, the same hotel, the same campsite, the same hikes and excursions. You meet there, you know each other, you are recognized in the stores and restaurants and greeted with joy. A mini-challenge with definite value.

And there are pensioners who have to face new challenges, travel to new countries and find their feet in a completely different environment. The language is different, perhaps even new, the food is different, the culture is foreign. This is exhausting, but also stimulating.

Dear reader, I know it's almost a bit exaggerated. But if you're reading this: what type of vacation are you?

I'm one of those senior citizens who like to travel. I like to get to know something new from time to time. It doesn't have to be America, the South Seas or India; no, Switzerland and Europe with its many beautiful destinations are enough for me. I am in the fortunate position of being able to afford this now. When the children were small, the budget was also minimal. So we concentrated on inexpensive vacations in vacation apartments, with picnics and hikes - and we were no less happy. But now - I admit it - I enjoy the vastness that comes with traveling. New places, new countries, different languages, getting my bearings, trying out new things, soaking up culture, but also getting to know nature: all of this is very appealing to me. Admittedly, it is often a challenge. But it not only strengthens my flexibility, broadens my perspective, but also reinforces my sense of home, because I always enjoy going home, back to my everyday life.

Kind regards



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