Interview with Sylvia Locher on the topic of singleness and retirement

According to the Federal Statistical Office, there were around 3.8 million private households in Switzerland at the end of 2018. Just over a third of these households had only one person living in them, which corresponded to 16% of the permanent resident population living in a single-person household. Two people lived in just under a third of households, corresponding to 29% of the permanent resident population. The average household size was [...]

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Intergenerational solidarity is part of a society's DNA

This is what Heidi Z'graggen, a member of the Cantonal Council of Uri, said at a conference on "Generational solidarity - generational conflict" in November 2019, which I was able to attend. Did you know that today there are four different age groups? There are children and young people, then adults. Then - from age 65 to 79 - there are the "young pensioners"! And only from [...]

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Stefan Kaister, a senior worker with rough edges

We founded the O€CO SME network almost 10 years ago and I have been President of the association since 2015. The association sees itself as a think tank for everyone who values a sustainable environmental, energy and economic policy: SMEs, associations, administrations, institutions, politicians and the public. The purpose of the association is to promote an ecological and liberal economic policy through a broad, [...]

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Kiebitz - Coaching for employees

Andreas Ladner, whom I know from a previous job we did together, works as a coach/consultant at Kiebitz. Kiebitz? What do you think that is? I make an appointment with him and meet him for an interview. Andreas, what is Kiebitz? Kiebitz is an association that works in the field of work integration. Its clients are, for example, the Regional Employment Services (RAV), the [...]

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What do the "Basel 55+" guidelines mean for ageing policy?

In the second week of September 2019, the canton of Basel-Stadt published its "Basel 55+" guidelines. What is meant by such a document? Why "Basel 55+" Let's start at the beginning: In the canton of Basel-Stadt, the Department of Health (GD) implemented the proposal in 2013 for senior citizens' organizations to work with working groups to find solutions to problems affecting the elderly population. The main topics identified were care and nursing, securing livelihoods, health promotion and [...]

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Conversations in old age

We recently sat down at a birthday party. Half of the guests had already been retired for a few years. The group was cheerful; we toasted and wished the birthday boy or girl good luck and, above all, good health. But I smiled again. The guests knew each other, they had always met at the birthday boy's house. Logically, the questions "How are you [...]

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