Doing nothing is not for me!

I meet up with Astrid Eisenhut-Sattler in her café in the town hall. It's very hot and we drink "Hahnenburger", cold tap water, together. Astrid Eisenhut-Sattler has been running the "Stadthauscafé" at Stadthausgasse 13 for 10 years now. It's wonderful there in summer, especially when you can sit in the beautiful courtyard of the listed Stadthaus (seat of the [...]

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The fast lane is free in old age

Fast lane? "In old age, the fast lane is free." So says the Swiss author and aphorist Kurt Haberstich. For me, the word "fast lane" is associated with speed, fast driving, competition. "Fast lane" in connection with "old age" doesn't quite fit for me. Because I enjoy being a little less fast, a little more leisurely on the road. Of course, I don't lose sight of the [...]

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Comment by Michael Harr, Managing Director of Pro Senectute beider Basel

If you look at the Seniors@Work homepage, you will see that Pro Senectute beider Basel is listed as one of the first cooperation partners. Pro Senectute is THE specialist and contact point for questions relating to old age. Over 130 advice centers throughout Switzerland offer a wide range of help and services for older people and their relatives. The increasing number [...]

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When is the right time?

When is the right time? An article in the Beobachter entitled "Actively involving senior citizens in life" makes the point that senior citizens can become lonely at home. It goes into rudimentary detail about how third parties or relatives can activate, motivate and persuade older people to join an interest group. However, it talks about playing cards and hiking, not [...]

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Active ageing

The Swiss Federal Statistical Office writes: Active ageing means that people have the opportunity to maintain their health, participate in the life of their social environment, ensure their personal safety and thus improve their quality of life as they grow older (WHO, 2002). The United Nations Economic Commission for Europe has created an Active Ageing Index AAI. It indicates [...]

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GGG Digi-Coach out of passion

Interview with Hanspeter Kraft from May 7, 2019 Since the start of the "GGG Digi-Coach" project in December 2018, Hanspeter Kraft has spent one afternoon a week at the Gundeldingen library on Tellplatz. He welcomes people seeking advice and advises them on computers, programs, cell phones, tablets, online forms and much more. Hanspeter Kraft is a retired mathematician from the University of [...]

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