Equality. Equal?

The 2019 Facts & Figures brochure from the Gender Equality Division of the Basel-Stadt Presidential Department arrived in my mailbox recently. I started leafing through it and ultimately realized that the differences between women and men have indeed improved, but are still high. With regard to senior women and [...]

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Stefan Kaister, a senior worker with rough edges

We founded the O€CO SME network almost 10 years ago and I have been President of the association since 2015. The association sees itself as a think tank for everyone who values a sustainable environmental, energy and economic policy: SMEs, associations, administrations, institutions, politicians and the public. The purpose of the association is to promote an ecological and liberal economic policy through a broad, [...]

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Unpaid work is worth 408 billion francs

Somewhere, I can't remember when, I stumbled across the following statement: "Care work: 61% women and 39% men do care work. A total of 9.02 billion hours are performed annually. This is equivalent to 408 billion Swiss francs! Only 7.9 billion hours are spent on paid work." While researching this statement, I came across a publication by the [...]

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What do the "Basel 55+" guidelines mean for ageing policy?

In the second week of September 2019, the canton of Basel-Stadt published its "Basel 55+" guidelines. What is meant by such a document? Why "Basel 55+" Let's start at the beginning: In the canton of Basel-Stadt, the Department of Health (GD) implemented the proposal in 2013 for senior citizens' organizations to work with working groups to find solutions to problems affecting the elderly population. The main topics identified were care and nursing, securing livelihoods, health promotion and [...]

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Active ageing

The Swiss Federal Statistical Office writes: Active ageing means that people have the opportunity to maintain their health, participate in the life of their social environment, ensure their personal safety and thus improve their quality of life as they grow older (WHO, 2002). The United Nations Economic Commission for Europe has created an Active Ageing Index AAI. It indicates [...]

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