Skills shortage in Switzerland: challenges and opportunities

Like most modern economies, Switzerland is facing a historic labor shortage. The ageing population and changing lifestyles will fundamentally change the labor market. A report on sheds light on these demographic developments and their impact on the labor market. In this context, Senior Talents - employees aged 50 and over - play a crucial role in overcoming these challenges.

The current situation

At the end of last year, more than 120,000 jobs were vacant in Switzerland, the highest number since 2003. According to the Federal Statistical Office (FSO), there are vacancies in numerous sectors, including manufacturing, healthcare, hospitality, IT and construction. Certain key skills are particularly difficult to recruit, as an Adecco index shows. In addition, the need for workers is exacerbated by the lowest unemployment rate in 20 years - in 2022, according to the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (Seco), it was 2.2 %, which means practically full employment.

Demographic change and its effects

Demographic changes in Switzerland and around the world are having a profound impact on the labor market. The baby boomer generation, which was born after the Second World War and will reach retirement age in the coming years, is leaving a significant gap in the workforce. This process will continue until around 2030 and will reach its peak when the majority of this generation retires from the workforce.

The birth rate in Switzerland has long been well below the threshold of 2.1 children per woman that would be required to keep the population stable. This means that there are fewer young people entering the labor market. At the same time, rising life expectancy is increasing the number of pensioners, which further increases the pressure on the social systems and the labor market.

Another result of demographic change is the change in family structures. In modern capitalist countries such as Switzerland, it is difficult for many families to have a large family with several children while both parents are working. This development means that fewer young people are growing up to fill the gaps left by the retirement of the older generation.

Professor Philippe Wanner from the Institute of Demography and Socioeconomics at the University of Geneva points out that these demographic challenges cannot be solved by simply increasing the birth rate. A comprehensive family policy based on the Scandinavian model could help in the long term, but other measures need to be taken in the short term.

Potential of senior talents

The 50-plus age group brings with it a wealth of experience, knowledge and expertise that is invaluable to companies. Their decades of professional experience and deep understanding of industries and work processes can make a significant contribution to filling the gaps created by the skills shortage. Here are some specific benefits that Senior Talents offer:

  1. Experience and expertise: Older employees have acquired extensive knowledge and valuable skills over the course of their career. This expertise can help to solve complex problems and design efficient work processes.
  2. Mentoring and knowledge transfer: Senior talents can act as mentors for younger colleagues and thus promote the transfer of knowledge within the company. This not only safeguards know-how, but also strengthens team spirit and cooperation between the generations.
  3. High work ethic and loyalty: Older employees are often particularly loyal and have a strong work ethic. Their experience and reliability can contribute to stability and continuity in the company.
  4. Flexibility and adaptability: Many senior talents are willing to work in flexible working models such as part-time or project-based roles. This offers companies the opportunity to make targeted use of their skills without making long-term commitments.


The shortage of skilled workers in Switzerland is a serious challenge, but it also offers many opportunities. The 50-plus age group represents a valuable resource for alleviating this shortage. By leveraging the experience, loyalty and work ethic of older workers, companies can not only overcome the skills shortage, but also create a diverse and inclusive work environment. By recognizing and leveraging the potential of older workers, companies can grow sustainably and successfully meet the challenges of demographic change.

they can grow sustainably and successfully meet the challenges of demographic change.

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