Just a little serious:

Recently, or more precisely: the day before yesterday, I turned old. Good, almost everyone gets old at some point and it's been a long time coming. So "suddenly old" would be an exaggeration. But I realize how long ago I had said before: I'm not sixty yet. So now I am. That is very strange. Until now, it was always others.

I notice various things: In the last year I was asked twice whether I was still working or already retired. It is undeniable that I look old enough to be a pensioner.

I'm not complaining about it. I don't want to be be young again. Maybe a little bit younger sometimes. But it's okay the way it is.

Besides less pleasant things like more health health issues and the fact that I push my bike uphill more often than I ride it. up the hill more often than I cycle, there are also positive things:

I have developed a super power: Young people can't see me. They almost walk right through me. I can listen to them listen to them, they don't realize I'm there. Would it be possible to use the ability to make yourself invisible? Only in the fight for good, of course, like all superheroes.

Another thing is that young women approach me on the street on the street when they are looking for an address. I obviously look look harmless. Nobody changes sides of the street because of me. Perhaps a white-haired aura of wisdom surrounding me?

I don't have to do as much as I used to. I no longer no longer have to prove anything to anyone. I have friends who have stuck by me for so long that they won't cut me off because of the slightest mistake. I can allow myself to say the occasional weird thing.

On the train, I can ask strong young men to lift my lift my suitcase, which is far too heavy as usual, into the luggage rack. They are happy to do it, is my experience. No one has ever refused to help me refused to help me.

When I walk through the city or use public transport I realize that there are more and more of us. Or I finally see them the other senior citizens. Maybe I was blind to them too? Or not yet recognized their super power to make themselves invisible? Sometimes I give a friendly, knowing nod when our paths cross. We know things that many still don't know.

My advice to all senior citizens: don't tell the youngsters what they should do. Ask them what concerns them, what is important to them in life. life. Show genuine interest. Only tell your old stories if you are asked. Never say: "I know exactly what that's like", even if it's true. That's one of the strange things, that within a split second I can feel again what I felt 20, 30 or 40 years ago. For example that it annoyed me when an "old man" told me: I know exactly what you are missing.

And sometimes I know, at a party for example or an invitation: now is the time to go. The young people still need some time among themselves. I don't need to know everything. If they want to, then they will come with their questions and concerns. I will listen and only give give advice sparingly. And only if that's what they want.

A little more serious:

I still have 5 years of paid work ahead of me. Still I'm still needed for various tasks. That's a gift. And then? I see how urgently volunteers are needed in the church. Especially older people who have retained a young and open heart. They can give so much in the way of attention and a serene view of life. The storms that young adults have to go through today in a world that is spinning ever faster. faster and faster: we seniors know that people do not change at this pace. change at this pace. They need to go for walks, stroll around without a plan, they need time for culture, it needs good neighbors and friends. It needs generations that can benefit incredibly from each other.

What is true for the church is also true for our society. Seniors@Work is a platform with huge potential. If it didn't exist it didn't exist, someone would have to invent it. Fortunately, that has already happened!

Rev. Martin Dürr, Reformed Co-Head of the Parish Office for Industry and Business BS BL

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