Seniors@Work has been nominated for the Prix BÂLEence launched by This is another milestone in the upswing of our innovative start-up company for the benefit of senior citizens. Congratulations, because even a nomination is a big step.

I write about innovation. But what does that mean? Innovation, generally interpreted, means "in economics, the (complex) innovations associated with technical, social and economic change."

Innovation is also a process, the further development of an idea, taking into account all the adjacent pieces of the puzzle. These pieces of the puzzle are entrepreneurship, commitment and persistence. It takes a social attitude, an open ear and foresight to avoid ultimately failing because of your own narrow-mindedness. And it takes courage!

Those who can benefit from this courage are all of you, dear reader. The so-called "Silver Society" benefits from a young entrepreneur. It's a give and take. And the economy also benefits from the innovative idea of providing a platform
where givers and receivers can meet as equals. However, this is not just about courage, but also about experience and sharing knowledge. Otherwise too much is lost.

Have you already been to the newly renovated hall of the Stadtcasino? Have you been able to admire the new organ? The new organ combines centuries-old tradition with the latest digital technology. Personally, I am particularly impressed by the knowledge of how an organ is built. The latest technology in honor - for correctly tuned organ pipes in the perfect alloy
requires precision craftsmanship and knowledge far removed from industrial production.

Or let me tell you about the shoemaker. He has mended almost all of our shoes so far. He has put on new straps and had the right thread for mending work. Most recently, he even went in search of the right replacement piece for a pair of my summer shoes so that the shoe looked perfect again. Our heels held up wonderfully after the repair, he mended belts and bags and always used good material. What a loss: he has given up his business. Unfortunately, knowledge and craftsmanship are lost.

What do I mean by that?

I assume you agree with me: Alexis Weil is a young entrepreneur and he deserves thanks for his courage, tenacity and innovation with the Seniors@Work idea. He is helping to ensure that knowledge, experience and craftsmanship are preserved. The entire S@W community is certainly keeping its fingers crossed that he comes out on top at the Prix BÂLEnce.

Toitoitoi, dear Alexis!

Beatrice Isler

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