In elections to the cantonal parliament and government are due in October. the government. The election campaign has already begun to a very small extent. candidates in all parties are busy having their pictures taken by professional to be photographed by professional advertisers. The parties have concepts for the election campaign, the candidates are also looking for their own way, collect addresses, prepare for events, plan street campaigns, book billboards planned, billboards booked and much more.

One of the candidates is Marcel Rünzi. He is of retirement age and is standing for election to the Grand Council. I wonder why? But let's let him have his say. have his say.

Dear Mr. Rünzi, you are very fit and lively! How old are you?

I am 78 years old.

What kind of professional career do you have behind you?

At the age of 16 I started an apprenticeship engineering office as a reinforced concrete draughtsman and completed it after 3 years. completed.

In the project planning and construction supervision of numerous road, bridge and building construction projects in the region and in central I was employed in offices in Pratteln and Zofingen.

In 1968, I took a job at the civil engineering office with the intention of getting to know the cantonal administration and then returning to the private sector. However, this turned into a lifetime position in various roles at the canton. After various commitments in road construction, I was assigned the coordination office for line relocations. My job was to coordinate the projects as a link between the civil engineering office and the cantonal and federal offices involved (Industrielle Werke, Gewässerschutzamt, PTT) as well as the commissioned engineering firms.

In particular, this involved major projects such as the construction of the national highway and larger road and civil engineering structures in the canton. As the Civil Engineering Office's representative on the Pro Rheno project group responsible for the inflows and outflows to the Basel WWTP, we accompanied the projects, which cost three times as much, together with representatives of the Basel-Stadt and Basel-Landschaft Water Protection Offices and the chemical companies Ciba-Geigy and F. Hoffmann - La Roche. The Basel WWTP was then put into operation in 1982.

With a focus on accessible tunnels, I was also active at federal level with the development of standards. standards.

At the beginning of the 90s I was elected head of the Soil Valuation Office and a member of the Valuation Commission and familiarized myself with a new area of responsibility. In this position property owners from the private and public sectors were able to obtain advice could obtain advice on property values and have properties valued. Part of the part of the job was also the assessment of the value-added tax, which was value-added tax, in accordance with the Federal Spatial Planning Act and cantonal legal requirements .

I retired in 2004, but continued continued to work for some time as a member of the evaluation committee and as an independent consultant.

What appeals to you about standing as a candidate for the to stand as a candidate?

Helping to shape the politics of our canton has interested me all my life. I have been thinking for a long time I thought long and hard about standing for re-election at my age. I let myself I was persuaded that age alone was no reason not to stand, especially as I have been politically active since my youth and am still actively involved in Grossbasel West still actively involved in Grossbasel West; with letters to the editor and commitment to individual projects such as the preservation of the Lysbüchel area, which is close to my heart, for the (where the voters then decided in favor of mixed residential/commercial use). mixed use).

As I follow political events closely every day I could well imagine getting involved in the Grand Council again. Grand Council again.

Is election campaigning fun at all?

I've always enjoyed campaigning. Appearing on the streets and at events together with candidates and at events allows us to understand the needs and concerns of the the needs and concerns of the population.

Have you Have you ever held a parliamentary office? And if so, what did you liked about it?

For many years I was a member of the Citizens' Community Council, the parliament of the Citizens' Community of Basel. As a member of parliament and as President of the Citizens' Hospital Commission, I got to know and appreciate the work and learned to appreciate it.

I was a member of the Grand Council between 2003 and 2008. As a member of the Building and Art Commission and the I now experienced politics from the perspective of the cantonal parliament. cantonal parliament. A lively time with interesting challenges and positive experiences.

Can Can you recommend senior citizens to take an interest in political office even run for office? If yes, why? And if not, why not?

For me, there is no universally valid answer. I would only approach women and men who I was convinced I would be convinced that they have the political feu sacré, are interested in the office and would also be prepared to get involved.

What skills does it take to what skills do you think it takes to be a good politician?

Having a clear standpoint of your own and to stand up for it. In addition, the ability to work in a team and enjoy work. Advantageously, you are integrated in society and also committed. And if you have already proven yourself professionally and as a volunteer, you have good prerequisites for the job.

Do you still have time for hobbies alongside your political still have time for hobbies?

Most of my time is currently taken up by time is currently taken up by commitments in non-profit organizations (NPOs). In addition, I create plenty of niches for sport (hiking, cycling, golf) and time for cultural cultural activities.

Do you know the Seniors@Work platform?

No, but I'm excited to get to know them. to get to know them.

What would you like to pass on to the readers of the Seniors@Work blog? on the way?

Get involved in the political and social social framework to the best of your ability and taste. Our society depends to a large extent on voluntary work, which can be an enrichment for society, but also for all volunteers. and usually does so.

Dear Marcel Rünzi, thank you very much for your frank words. We wish you fingers crossed for a successful election campaign and wish you success, satisfaction, happiness and, above all, good health.

Beatrice Isler

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