Have you already heard or read about it? The National Council wants "not skimp" on a bridging pension for unemployed people over 60 who have lost their jobs but wants to use this pension to help people without work. with this pension.

That's great, isn't it? There is a federal law on bridging benefits for older unemployed people, as one of seven measures to "solve the problem". The aim was to cover the minimum subsistence level. It was noted that the social assistance rate in the age group between 56 to 64 age group has risen by 47 percent.

SP National Councillor Barbara Gysi said: "Those affected are threatened with an old age in insecurity instead of an old age in dignity". Of course, older unemployed unemployed have worked for years, paid taxes and contributed their know-how. This bridging pension is intended to create prospects.

Please don't get me wrong, dear reader of this blog. reader of this blog.

But hand on heart: can perspectives be bought with money?

Of course, with more money you have more opportunities for excursions, shopping, going to the theater, culture and society - perhaps. But wouldn't the right perspective be to have a job in which you are appreciated, where you can contribute and prove yourself? Shouldn't shouldn't the economy get involved here? Shouldn't the economy be given incentives to set off with older employees? Shouldn't the not recognize that older employees generally have a high value? have a high value? After all, they are committed, they are unlikely to change jobs any more change jobs (in economic terms, a change in personnel is calculated as a whole annual salary), they bring know-how with them, they no longer get pregnant. pregnant.....

If I were a member of the National Council, I would vote for this law. "Yes, but..." vote. In the hope that fewer money worries will encourage older unemployed people to apply more. But I would really give the economy a boost. Oh, how I would love to do that!

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