An article by Christof Schuerpf appeared in the bz on October 7 2019 an article by Christof Schuerpf about the increase in the retirement age. The journalist refers to the auditor Deloitte, which in June of this year thousand people aged between 50 and 70 on this topic in June of this year. on this topic. The increase - in whatever stages - was poorly received. well received.

Various scenarios are on the table:

  • The Federal Council would like to gradually raise the retirement age for women over four years from 64 to 65 over four years. Although this plan has already failed twice at the ballot box at the ballot box.
  • In the room is the additional idea of making pension withdrawals more flexible. In concrete terms retirement between the age of 62 and the age of 70. age.
  • And then There are also the Juso, who want to raise the retirement age to 66 and and then link it to life expectancy.

The President of Pro Senectute, former Federal Councillor Eveline Widmer-Schlumpf, stated in an interview that the interview that the current system of old-age provision would soon no longer be financially viable. This means that fewer and fewer senior citizens will be able to live on their pension. can live on their pension. They will have to look for additional jobs. She is in favor of flexible handling of the retirement age and emphasizes that a construction worker cannot work for the same length of time as a lawyer (see bz/2.7.2019).

Former member of the Council of States Philipp Müller on the other hand, caused a furore because he thinks the retirement age should be should be abolished. He noted that employees over the age of 50 are very difficult to difficult to place if they lose their job. He believes this is due to the high non-wage labor costs. And he explains that a kind of "lifetime working time" should be included in the calculation (see bz / 30.9.2019).

Well, dear reader, And how do you feel about a decision? Which is the right one? The subject is complex and difficult. In my opinion, however, it needs the economy and a rethink. As long as companies stop hiring people over 50, even a flexible and higher retirement age is useless. Or is it?

PS: By the way: in August 2019 the unemployment rate in Switzerland was a low 2.1%. Also in August 7645 people aged 60+ were registered as unemployed across Switzerland (sources: Federal Statistical Office / Situation on the labor market, 9.9.2019).

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