We founded the O€CO SME network almost 10 years ago and I have been President of the association since 2015. The association sees itself as a think tank for everyone who values a sustainable environmental, energy and economic policy: SMEs, associations, administrations, institutions, politicians and the public. The purpose of the association is to promote an ecological and liberal economic policy through a broad, controlled and growing network.

I have been working for the association mebea (mensch I beruf I arbeit) in Pratteln, which is committed to integrating people into the workplace - particularly in the commercial sector. I have been President of mebea since 2018 and also work as a communications consultant on individual mandates in the fields of politics and business.

The subject of communication has occupied me since I was 23 years old; 45 years have now passed. In large and small communications agencies, and especially in my own agency and in politics, it is repeatedly confirmed that you can't make a Federal Councillor out of a sack of potatoes and a million francs. In the early 1970s, a well-known Zurich PR consultant is said to have told friends that this was possible - presumably after a few bottles of red wine in the Kronenhalle. The fact is that communication has never worked in this way before.

Seniors stand for experience and reliability
To this day, I advise companies, political representatives, associations and non-profit organizations on the development and implementation of strategies.

I have never experienced that products and people can be sold without a profile. A profile consists of rough edges. A good profile is created through hard work and processes that often take a long time and can be exhausting.

There are certainly always cases where people with a high profile slip up. Anyone entering politics must know that they are treading on slippery ground. Many high-profile personalities have experienced this. Even the best profile does not protect against falls.

What can you do about it? You simply stay true to yourself, your goals, values and abilities. You stand on both feet and keep your feet on the ground.

Even at the age of 68, I still have a great thirst for action. With the support of my life partner and senior partner, I advise companies, politicians, associations and non-profit organizations on the development of strategies and their implementation. I am also involved as President of the O€CO SME network and as President of mebea. However, I am already enjoying my (part-time) pensioner's life a little by traveling or taking a lazy day.

Stefan Kaister
Kaister Communication
(Kaister & Partner)
Rütimeyerstrasse 3
CH-4051 Basel
Phone +41 61 681 66 66
Mobile +41 79 226 79 89
[email protected]

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