What do you do with your ironing, dear reader? reader? I can only say that it's worth it: doing this in the peace and quiet of my home activity means that I can simply let my thoughts wander. let my mind wander.

Today, the word "insecurity" has stuck in my head. stuck in my head. Why?

The first thing I read in the newspaper early in the morning (BaZ of 25.5.2020) that a surprising number of people aged 55+ are losing their jobs. The article says: "Actually, 55- to 64-year-olds should have the lowest risk of risk of unemployment, as they are the least likely to change jobs.". Further the text states that these are often people with a difficult employment history. "Often" means that others are also affected. If you then look at the sectors, it is not surprising that the accommodation industry currently has the highest job loss percentage. But why is the "healthcare" sector also mentioned? Everyone is talking about staff shortages in the healthcare sector! When I when I think that the risk of being made redundant increases significantly for people age increases significantly if they lose their job, then just thinking about it makes me feel I feel insecure just thinking about it. And how great this uncertainty will be for these people!

The second person I met today at lunchtime was my little granddaughter. granddaughter. She is six years old. After these long weeks of corona weeks of abstinence, she no longer reacts to me like she used to. She used to run around my around my neck. With a running start if possible. Today she stands there, looks up at me, wobbles back and forth a little embarrassed - and radiates total insecurity. Ever since I stopped her at the very beginning of the lockdown in her attempt to embrace me to hug me, the world has been out of order for me and probably for her too. for her too. And now she doesn't dare to hug me properly any more. And at the end of the day, I'm also insecure dealing with her. Forcing her is out of the question. What and how much physical physical contact are we allowed to do? Our herding job is canceled until after the summer vacation. So we have to wait even longer until we can "normalize" our can "normalize" our relationship again. And it turns out that writing letters writing letters, exchanging drawings or Facetime chats will never make up for the lack of physical physical closeness.

The third thing I listened to was the radio. News. Reports from all over the world. When you listen and hear all about war, power, greed, money, corruption, poverty, it becomes clear that the whole world must be completely insecure. The economy is in trouble, people are losing jobs, the poor are getting even poorer, the rich... but let's leave that alone. And although we are doing comparatively well in Switzerland comparatively well, you can feel the uncertainty everywhere. And then there are those who, in these times, are sneaking contributions or taking advantage of the situation out of the situation, be it with short-time working and redundancies, early retirement, even though it may not be necessary or not yet necessary.

In times when people even avoid each other on the sidewalk only smile shyly and immediately keep their distance during a conversation. I am glad to have safe values, such as Seniors@Work. I hope for all of you that you will find the right job, the committed employee or professional employee and thus put an end to your personal insecurities. uncertainty.

Toitoitoi, I'm keeping my fingers crossed!

Beatrice Isler


  1. Peter

    Dear Beatrice Isler, your experience with the granddaughter is painful. Because I have no grandchildren, I will not have this experience. As a quality management consultant (ISO, eduQua, SODK, IN-Qualis, etc.), I wonder why companies and institutions are not reviewing their work processes right now and adapting them to the new situation. Unfortunately, it is a truism that in a crisis, people tend to fall back on old patterns of behavior, even if they have not proven themselves or are even harmful. In social terms, this probably also means that undesirable developments are now becoming particularly visible and human behaviors such as greed, lust for power and exploitation are being brought to light. I am not known as a pessimist. Nevertheless, I don't believe that individuals, societies and, consequently, companies will use this time for a fundamental rethink. But - hope dies last. You said it - fingers crossed! Unless the granddaughter suddenly comes running after all. Then thumbs up and arms wide apart.
    Peter Woodtli

    1. Isler

      Dear Peter Woodtli, thank you for your comments, which unfortunately I can only agree with. How I would love to wave goodbye optimistically and euphorically and prove you wrong. And yet: it is actually given to man not to give up, but to carry on and believe in future generations.
      And one thing's for sure: when the little girl comes running again, she gets a huge cuddle!

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