What do senior citizens do when they retire?

I've already asked myself the above a few times. Of course, there are those who throw themselves into another career full of enthusiasm. Then there are those who are absorbed in looking after their grandchildren. And those who indulge in the trips of a lifetime.

However, as a former member of the Naturalization Commission for many years, I have repeatedly "stumbled across" people of an older age who are seeking naturalization. I therefore contacted Dr. Stefan Wehrle, the Chairman of the Naturalization Commission, to find out more about the current state of affairs. The interview is on a first-name basis, as he was my "boss" on the commission for six years and we are still in relatively close contact via the Citizens' Community of the City of Basel.

Dear Stefan, there are always senior citizens who take the naturalization route. Are there many of them?

There were relatively few applications from foreign nationals last year: Out of a total of 703 applications, 15 applications came from retirees (7 women and 8 men, three of whom were over 70 years old). In contrast, the percentage of retired Swiss nationals who became Basel residents in 2020 was significantly higher at 7 out of 86 applications; of these 5 women and 2 men, two women and one man were over 70 years old.

In this context, I would like to point out that since the beginning of the year, all recipients of supplementary benefits have been paying only half the naturalization fee to both the Citizens' Community of the City of Basel and the Canton of Basel-Stadt.

Could it be that senior citizens appreciate the naturalization process? I am referring to the courses offered by the Citizens' Community?

The "Compact Course" and "Fit for Basel" naturalization courses we offer are generally very popular. After the ceremonial presentation of citizenship certificates in the Stadthaus, all new citizens are also invited to twelve exclusive offers under the title "Get to know Basel better" - this alone makes naturalization worthwhile!

As far as I know, senior citizens also sit on both chambers of the Naturalization Commission (the time commitment is considerable!). How many are there at the moment?

Of the total of 12 committee members, four are currently of retirement age.

Why do people of an advanced age still apply for naturalization?

First and foremost because of their emotional attachment to Basel.

I kept the application for naturalization of a hundred-year-old Swiss woman who wrote that her wish was to die a Basel native. 

Is the naturalization interview adapted to age?

Yes. Our naturalization interviews with foreigners, which last about a quarter of an hour, are tailored to their individual circumstances, taking into account their age, origin, education, etc.

So is it more the more active people who take on this two-year journey?

In general, yes.

In Basel-Stadt, the entire naturalization procedure takes 16 to 18 months for foreigners and three/four months for Swiss citizens.

Are there any institutions in the vicinity of the Bürgergemeinde Basel in which senior citizens can actively participate?

I would like to draw your attention to the opportunity to volunteer at Bürgerspital. Around 100 women and men support the residents of our care centers and residential homes with their daily errands or help to fulfill their individual needs and wishes:


Do you know seniors@work, www.seniorsatwork.ch ? What do you think of this platform?

This platform is also a great thing for both sides!

Dear Stefan, thank you for your detailed information and I wish you, the entire Naturalization Commission and the Citizens' Community of the City of Basel all the best. Stay healthy!


Beatrice Isler

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