Professor Daniela Finke and Mr. Daniel Wiener are both known to me through completely different channels. When I heard that Seniors@Work and KOSMOS are in contact and that good networking makes sense, I asked the two founding members for an interview, which we conducted by email in a completely corona-compliant manner.

Dear reader, you will be surprised to find out where "space is taking shape" on the Bruderholz and what a great project is being created here.

You two, Prof. Finke and Mr. Wiener, are both founding members of KOSMOS Basel. KOSMOS.... what is that actually?

KOSMOS is the name of a new creative and adventure space for senior citizens at the observatory in Basel. It sounds as if the name has something to do with the location. But it was decided long before we were given the opportunity to rent the building of the former Astronomical Institute of the University of Basel. Perhaps in this case in particular: nomen est omen. At Venusstrasse 7 in Binningen, a free space is being created that senior citizens can use to realize their own ideas after retirement. However, the priority is not on private studios or workrooms, but on offers from senior citizens for all generations. For example, in areas such as music or health, exercise or travel. As soon as the coronavirus pandemic subsides, events, communal gardening, sports and co-working spaces will also be added. Our building has many different rooms, including an assembly hall, seminar room and kitchenette. We curate a colorful, exciting mix of leisure activities and work. We also arrange work outside the KOSMOS premises, sometimes in collaboration with Seniors@Work. This is because many people want to continue using their skills long after they retire, including to earn money.

How did the two of you come to start such a social project together? What was the trigger?

We met almost three years ago at an innovation conference in Zurich, where we happened to be sitting next to each other in a lecture. We soon realized that, in addition to living in Basel, we shared an interest in ageing and work. When we made contact with this "scene", we got to know a whole new world.

I know from my own experience how difficult it is to find premises for such projects. Was the observatory a lucky coincidence?

Yes, the building was put out to tender and we applied with a concept that was obviously convincing.

Is there an association structure at KOSMOS? Is it possible to become a member? If so, what does it cost?

Good idea! We have never thought about founding an association, but we should seriously consider it. At the moment, the "Culture of Change Foundation", which also supports other activities, and the two of us as a simple company are the sponsors. We are feeling our way towards the right structure. At the moment, we think a social enterprise would be desirable, but perhaps supplemented by an association, as you suggest.

Who do you want to address specifically?

All senior citizens who want spaces for activities, want to be entrepreneurial or are simply looking for work to continue using their skills, whether voluntary or paid. We want to offer "moderated jobs". What does that mean? We hold discussions with potential employers and people over 65 in order to get to know their needs and opportunities and bring them together. This is not least about breaking down prejudices on the one hand and promoting self-confidence on the other.

I see on the website www.kosmosbasel.chthat there will be a digital booking platform that senior citizens can use to choose from a wide range of offers and activities. Older people without a computer are excluded from this. How do you want to reach them?

Not everything is digital, as we have already explained. And we trust in the ability of older people to learn. And we want to promote this in a targeted manner.

And speaking of which: you mention a shuttle service to ensure that the building is accessible. How is that planned?

Discussions are currently underway with the municipality of Binningen and BLT. The municipality has long had plans to connect the neighboring Bruderholz area to public transport. We didn't know that before we made contact. But there are other activities up here, such as the sunbathing area, family gardeners, a farm store or the meteorological and astronomical associations, to name just a few examples that dream of such a regular bus service. In addition, the Binningen cemetery is currently poorly connected and there are many walkers. Together, we might be able to generate the demand needed for such a shuttle. This would then be integrated into the TNW fare system.

You both know the Seniors@Work platform and its founder Alexis Weil. How did you hear about it?

Seniors@Work is known far and wide. We were encouraged to contact Alexis Weil, not least by the Basel-Stadt Department of Health, whose head is on our advisory board. The exchange was extremely positive and open. We have also already started to work together in concrete terms by hiring employees from the Seniors@Work pool for our brush renovation of the house on Margarethenhügel.

How do you envisage further collaboration?

We generally proceed step by step. We try things out and keep what works, discard what doesn't work so well. This is called "agile" project development. This is also how we are building our collaboration with Seniors@Work. It's going very well so far and we can imagine working more closely together.

Prof. Finke and Mr. Wiener, I wish you the best of luck and every success with your extraordinarily exciting project. All the best and stay healthy!

And to "my" readers, please contact KOSMOS if you have any further questions, ideas, or would like to get involved!

Beatrice Isler

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