A. U.
9428 Walzenhausen
Workload - 40%
Projects or jobs on a contract basis

In den letzten Jahren stark involviert in Umstrukturierung von Vereinen/Verbänden unterstützt durch virtuelle systemische Strukturenteicklungen

Professional experience

Selbstständig, 2010 - 2021
Begleiten von KMUs in allen Bereichen Marketing, QM, Mitarbeiter-, Projekt- und Produkteplannung, Teamleadership-Entwicklung


  • CAS in Kommunikation
  • Dipl. Auditor für externes Audits im Qualitätsmanagement
  • eidg. Dipl.Komplementärtherapeut HFP


  • Coaching
  • Quality management
  • Team development
  • Business / StartUp consulting
  • Corporate Development / Business Development
  • Conflict management
  • Life Coach
  • Mentor
  • Project and process management
  • Catering management
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Winner of the Swiss Diversity Award 2024 🏆 - Winner of the Swiss Diversity Award 2024 🏆 - Winner of the Swiss Diversity Award 2024 🏆 - Winner of the Swiss Diversity Award 2024 🏆 - Winner of the Swiss Diversity Award 2024 🏆 - Winner of the Swiss Diversity Award 2024 🏆 - Winner of the Swiss Diversity Award 2024 🏆 - Winner of the Swiss Diversity Award 2024 🏆 - Winner of the Swiss Diversity Award 2024 🏆 - Winner of the Swiss Diversity Award 2024 🏆 - Winner of the Swiss Diversity Award 2024 of the Swiss Diversity Award 2024 🏆 - Winner of the Swiss Diversity Award 2024 🏆 - Winner of the Swiss Diversity Award 2024 🏆 - Winner of the Swiss Diversity Award 2024 🏆 - Winner of the Swiss Diversity Award 2024 🏆 - Winner of the Swiss Diversity Award 2024 🏆 - Winner of the Swiss Diversity Award 2024 🏆 - Winner of the Swiss Diversity Award 2024 🏆 - Winner of the Swiss Diversity Award 2024 🏆 - Winner of the Swiss Diversity Award 2024 🏆 - Winner of the Swiss Diversity Award 2024 🏆 - Winner of the Swiss Diversity Award 2024 🏆 - Winner of the Swiss Diversity Award 2024 🏆 - Winner of the Swiss Diversity Award 2024 🏆 - Winner of the Swiss Diversity Award 2024 🏆 - Winner of the Swiss Diversity Award 2024 🏆 - Winner of the Swiss Diversity Award 2024 🏆 - Winner of the Swiss Diversity Award 2024 🏆 - Winner of the Swiss Diversity Award 2024 🏆 - Winner of the Swiss Diversity Award 2024 🏆 - Winner of the Swiss Diversity Award 2024 🏆 - Winner of the Swiss Diversity Award 2024 🏆 - Winner of the Swiss Diversity Award 2024 🏆 - Winner of the Swiss Diversity Award 2024 🏆 - Winner of the Swiss Diversity Award 2024 🏆