H. K.

8048 Zurich
Erfahrener Jurist mit Kenntnis in drei Sprachen (deutsch, französisch, englisch)
International expertise in Intellectual Property Law (including Intellectual Property Management), Insurance Law and claim handling, Company Law (Establishment of your company in Switzerland), Capital Markets Law (Banking experience), International Tax as well as longstanding negotiation experience in English, German and French.
Personal safety and risk reduction management consultant (for individuals, family offices and enterprises), Expertise in risk and crisis communication.
Coach for intercultural training for CEO and board members and expats related to Switzerland, Austria, Germany and France.
Professional experience:
Senior Public Relation Manager
De Concert Communication, 2003 - 2020
Kommunikationsberater, betraut mit Fragen der Kommunikationsstrategie, der Definition und Ausführung von Kommunikationsplänen, Public Relation Massnahmen und Medienarbeit, Suche von Sponsoren, Mäzenen und Medienpartnern
Education, diplomas & skills:
Doktor der Rechtswissenschaften, Master of Law, VBV Versicherungsbroker
I am open to:
  • Jobs with a Workload up to 60%
  • Projects or jobs on an order basis

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