8917 Oberlunkhofen, Bremgarten, Schweiz
I am an enthusiastic, open-minded person. I started my own business as a Kundalini yoga trainer in 2019 and have set myself the goal of bringing these regenerative and healing exercises to companies. Building up this offer takes time and I also need alternative sources of income, preferably through a 30 or 40 percent permanent position. I am also keen to make Kundalini Yoga appealing to older people in particular, as it has a particularly rejuvenating and energizing effect on body and mind. All tasks in the field of communication, event organization, language mediation, care of elderly people, administration are welcome with me¨
Professional experience:
PR consultant /
Adult educator /
Lecturer /
Yoga teacher
Education, diplomas & skills:
LIc phil I, Literature, Theater, Communication /
Adult educator SVEB 1 /
Spiritual Coach /
500h - Yoga teacher, certified European Yoga Alliance

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