M. B.

8704 Herrliberg
By consulting I mean: clearly defining the problems, the opportunities, the skills to be developed ... clearly define and solve them together, or lead them to a solution - and become stronger and better along the way.
Professional experience:
Support for development processes in companies
alevis GmbH, 1980 - 2019
Accompanying processes to develop the skills of managers and employees; working through problems and conflict situations - in teams or with individuals; developing new possibilities, new markets, new opportunities.
Education, diplomas & skills:
German (foreign languages rather not);
HSG degree, specializing in marketing; further training in psychology and holistic thinking; process management.
The most intensive training for me, however, was conducting workshops and seminars myself on a wide range of topics (people skills; conscious interaction with people (e.g. in management); optimizing sales and achieving and maintaining customer loyalty over the long term; setting innovation processes in motion; time management; decision-making skills; communication skills, etc.).
I am open to:
  • Projects or jobs on an order basis

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