N. K.

5400 Baden
Meine Arbeit mit Menschen ermöglicht es mir, schnell eine Beziehung zum Gegenüber aufzubauen und Strategien fürs Weiterkommen zu entwickeln. Die Existenz steht im Vordergrund und das gemeinsame Wege finden in anspruchsvollen (Führungs-)Situationen.
In meiner Freizeit schätze ich spannende Gespräche, verbringe viel Zeit mit Familie und Freunden, vertiefe mich beim Lesen gerne in Fachliteratur oder Krimis, entdecke auf Reisen fremde Länder und Kulturen, entspanne bei Musik und betätige mich als begeisterte Hobbyschreinerin.
Meine Arbeit mit Menschen ermöglicht es mir, schnell eine Beziehung zum Gegenüber aufzubauen und Strategien fürs Weiterkommen zu entwickeln. Die Existenz steht im Vordergrund und das gemeinsame Wege finden in anspruchsvollen (Führungs-)Situationen.
Professional experience:
ACP-Swiss, 2021 - 2022
Organizing training courses; developing and holding seminars Designing the homepage Quality management; supervision for the instructors Developing optimization measures Team development
Senior Executive Consultant
DBM AG, 2010 - 2012, Chemicals / Pharma / Biotech / Medical Technology
Accompanying executives of international corporations throughout the entire outplacement process in the pharmaceutical and chemical industries (d/f) Position assessment, application process and career counseling Establishing and maintaining contacts with providers Conducting personal coaching sessions; crisis intervention Conducting workshops in the areas of communication, presentation, interview techniques, networking, etc.
Recruitment specialist
Zurich Office of Economy and Labor (AWA), 2003 - 2003
Pre-selecting applicants; conducting job interviews Creating master personality profiles Advising line managers on recruitment decisions
BDO Visura, 2002 - 2002
Handling mandates in management selection Acquiring new clients Conducting individual assessments Representing internal personnel recruitment
Customer advisor
Master Management AG, 1994 - 2001
Head of Holding Secretariat / Assistant to the Managing Director and Board Delegate
Cemroc Management AG, 1992 - 1994
Secretary / Clerk
O + I Consulting AG, 1989 - 1992
Various positions as personnel consultant, assistant and administrator
, 1984 - 1989
Various jobs as a kindergarten teacher, music teacher and businesswoman
, 1981 - 1984
HR specialist
Erne-Management AG, 2023 - 203
Standardizing the HR processes of the entire life cycle of Erne Management AG and the Erne Group Creating a concept for implementing a personality profile in the recruitment and development process
greenleaves-greenlights GmbH, 2012
Setting up and managing the limited company, including drawing up a business plan Advising retailers, direct importers and producers in Switzerland and abroad (Southern Europe, Morocco) Conflict management Preparing the accounts for the fiduciary office Organizing trips (flight bookings etc.) Communication and administration
Owner / Coach
Coaching moated castle, 2002, General services
Coach, personnel and team developer for individuals and organizations Conducting communication training for major banks (d/f) Mystery shopping for Swiss private banks
Education, diplomas & skills:
Experienced IT user with very good knowledge of Windows, Mac, MS Office and the ability to quickly familiarize herself with new software. Service-oriented doer with drive and enjoyment of exchange, coaching and development work. Strong communication skills at various levels and experience in identifying different needs. High level of self-organization, reliable, resource- and people-oriented way of working.
Ongoing Various training courses including Existential Coaching and Leadership, GPOP Personality Test, Ericksonian Hypnosis in Practice, MBTI, Team Coaching, NLP Practitioner, Professional Enneagram, Communication & Counseling, Master Personality Profile
2016 - 2018 Existential Coaching and Leadership, ET&L Academy, Vienna
1991 - 1993 Graduate business economist, KLZ, Zurich
1984 Commercial diploma, Burghof evening business school, Rapperswil
1978 - 1982 Teacher training seminar / kindergarten teacher seminar, PH Thurgau
I am open to:
  • Jobs with a Workload from 40% to 60%
  • Projects or jobs on an order basis
Language skills:
  • German (mother tongue)
  • Französisch (sehr gute Kenntnisse)
  • Englisch (gute Kenntnisse)
  • Italienisch / Spanisch (gute Grundkenntnisse)

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