R. S.

8810 Horgen
Ausgezeichnete und langjährige, erfolgreiche Verkaufserfahrung von IT- und
Mehrjährige Verkaufserfahrung von elektronischen Bauelementen, Elektrotechnischen
Materialien und Verbindungstechnik.
Erfolgreiches globales gesamt IT-Outsourcing-Projekt bei einem Schweizer KMU, inkl. upselling Erfolge im Betrieb.
Professional experience:
Account and Key Account Manager
Swisscom (Switzerland) Ltd, 2000 - 2017
Positioning of sustainable ICT solutions, focus on managed services services and system integration Consistent creation, application and implementation of Meaningful account plans Knowing and understanding the customer's value chain and derive business opportunities from this (share of wallet) Developing and maintaining long-term customer relationships Leading, coordinating and integrating a virtual account team Ongoing expansion of knowledge about technological developments Establishing, maintaining and developing customer relationships with the decision-makers (C-level) Increasing the share of wallet by means of standard and individual solutions.
Education, diplomas & skills:
Project management IPMA Level D, certified marketing and sales manager, key account management training various, certified technical businessman, apprenticeship as electrician
I am open to:
  • Jobs with a Workload up to 80%

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