S. v.

5406 Baden
Sachbearbeiter Rechnungswesen mit Buchhaltung, Tagesgeschäfte, Quartals- und Jahresabschluss mit PC-Kaufmann, Sage Sesam etc. Betreuung HR-Applikationen
mit Test, etc.
Betreuung IT-Applikationen auf PC- oder Host-Systemen.
Beratung Web-Applikation und Digital-Lösungen etc. Als Business Analyst / Prozess Manager Konzepte erstellen mit empirischen Vorgehen gemäss Dr. Prof. Götz Schmidt, ibo.
Analyse für eventuelle Umstellung auf Digitalisierung.
Professional experience:
IT project management / business informatics
Loginfo Consulting GmbH, 1987 - 2015
Management of own company and employment as a contractor (myself to 100%) in large companies at banks, administration as IT project manager, business IT specialist, app developer/supervisor, tester. Large IBM systems with TSO and PCs. Programming languages PL/1, COBOL, DB2, SQL, MS Office with MS Project, Word, Excel, Power Point etc. Zurich City Council (OIZ, 1987-1995): Project manager IT and operation of the accounting system of the Zurich building authorities with development/testing and management of 4 people. Control and supervision of daily processing. Bank CS Zurich, 1994-2002: App development on IBM host with PL/1, DB2/SQL, IMS, TSO, projects with international accounting system, export financing, securities Project management/head of credit project with merger of data center RZ3 into RZ2. At own company: financial and payroll accounting with SESAM, PC clerk, HR clerk etc.. Development of training courses in languages (German, Swedish, Norwegian), basic PC training (Word, Internet, Excel, etc.) at own company Loginfo AG/ Loginfo Consulting GmbH).
Analyst Programmer/Project Manager/Process Manager
Chemicals, industry, insurance, bank, 1971 - 1986
App developer and supervisor with IBM host, programming languages: Assembler, Cobol, PL/1, SQL, VBA. Business organization at bank, securities, payment transactions
Education, diplomas & skills:
IT for analysis, programming (computer languages: SQL, VBA, PL/1, COBOL), testing. Commercial training with business school and diploma in business administration HF 3.5 years, NGZ Zurich, main subjects business and financial accounting and higher mathematics. Management training Limania Baden, and AKAD Zurich, training and experience as a company organizer in structural and process organization as a certified organizer SGO (Swiss Society for Organization and Management), Glattbrugg.
Further training ITIL-Fondation Digicomp. Further training on PC with Internet, Intranet, MS-Office with Word, Excel, Power Point, MS-Project, SAP basic knowledge, etc.
Technical and personnel management / project management. Experience with concepts with preparation such as preliminary study, main study, detailed study and implementation with support.
Languages: English intermediate knowledge, German mother tongue very good, French basic knowledge. basic knowledge
ITIL Foundation basic knowledge
I am open to:
  • Jobs with a Workload up to 60%

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