A. K.

5415 Obersiggenthal
Mr. Albert Klein, US citizen and holder of a Swiss permanent residence card, is the owner of Klein Technology Consulting, a Swiss company in the Canton of Aargau, Switzerland (www.kleintech.ch). Mr. Klein has over 30 years of program management experience, both in the US and Europe, and has successfully managed projects ranging from 10K Euro to over 1M Euro for a number of different organizations. In his position at the GE Power Services Engineering R&D organization in Baden, Switzerland, Mr. Klein managed several technical projects in the power plant condition monitoring and diagnostics area, including 1) wireless condition monitoring;2) predictive analytics for early warning of machine degradation; 3) asset management systems, and: 4) Non-destructive testing and Mechanical Integrity . His most recent assignments have been in combined cycle power plant monitoring and diagnostics.
Berufliche Erfahrung:
Project Manager, Thermal Systems R&D
Alstom Power, Ge Power Systems, 2008 - 2017, Energie- / Wasserwirtschaft, Wissenschaft / Forschung
Monitoring and Diagnostics engineering— gas turbine systems. Nuclear engineering. Project management and administration. Research and Development-- condition-based maintenance systems.
Ausbildung, Diplome & Skills:
Deutsch, Englisch, Französich. Excel, Word, Power Point, CRM
Ich bin offen für:
  • Jobs mit einem Pensum bis 20%

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